Friday, May 24, 2013

Resources for Rwanda Review

Here's a 12 minute podcast of Philip Gourevitch, author of the New Yorker article about Kagame and the book We wish to inform you tomorrow we will be killed with our families, discussing Rwanda 15 years after the genocide.

Chris mentioned the documentary Worse Than War in class today. The entire film is available here. Alternatively, if you wish to jump right to the section on Rwanda, go to this clip and skip to the 7:30 mark.

If you would like another source for review of the Rwandan genocide, there is some good information on the Kigali Genocide Memorial website.

Finally, the Genocide Archive Rwanda has some very good review information, including a trove of powerful images.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

HIV/AIDS in South Africa

We've just concluded our unit on HIV/AIDS in South Africa. Post to comments either one reflection - some aspect of the disease or epidemic that continues to make you think - or one lingering question. The question, too, can be about the disease itself or the epidemic.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Scramble for Africa

Here is a cartoon and some text excerpted from the document signed at the Berlin West Africa Conference in 1885. Imagine you were the lone African representative at the conference, and assume that you couldn't have single-handedly stopped the carving up of the African continent. What would have fought for? What would your priorities have been?

Monday, January 28, 2013

Expedition Africa

Last week we learned about explorers in Africa, including Dr. David Livingstone. Today, we played the online game Expedition Africa, which simulates one of Livingstone's expeditions. How far did you get? What were the greatest challenges? Did anything surprise you? Was there anything the game didn't take into account that you would have? Post responses to comments, and take the time to read and respond to each other's comments.